Selecting specific files

Restricting the time frame

Not always it is desired to read and process all files that are available. The class dbdreader.DBDPatternSelect provides a way to retrieve only those file names that are limited to a certain time frame.

You can use the class dbdreader.DBDPatternSelect to select just those files that match a specific time interval.

For example:

import dbdreader

ps = dbdreader.PatternSelect()

# By default, dates are entered in "%d %m %Y"-format. Let's changed
# that to be able to specify a specific time:
ps.set_date_format("%d %m %Y %H:%M")

filenames ="data/amadeus*.[st]bd", from_date="24 7 2014 18:00")

# Feed those files into a MultiDBD object:

data = dbdreader.MultiDBD(filenames)

Besides specifying the from_date we could also additionally specify the until_date, see also

Binning files

A other use of this class is to bin files in sections of a specific duration. To that end we can use the dbdreader.PatternSelect.bins(), for example

import dbdreader

ps = dbdreader.PatternSelect()

binned_filenames = ps.bins(pattern="data/amadeus*.[st]bd", binsize=86400)

# Feed those files into a MultiDBD object:
for filenames in binned_filename:
    data = dbdreader.MultiDBD(filenames)
    ... process ...