Selecting data for a specific time range

Not always it is desired to read and process all files that are available. The class dbdreader.DBDPatternSelect provides a way to retrieve only those file names that are limited to a certain time frame, see sec_dbdpatternselect.

Alternatively, we can also use the dbdreader.MultiDBD API to get information on time spans and select data just for a specific time window:

import dbdreader


# print the time range of the files
# these are the opening times of the first and last files.
print("We have data from %s until %s"%tuple(tr))

# limit our data
print("we limit our data to include only files opened after 24 Jul 2014 18:00")
# use only data files that are opened after 6 pm on 24 Jul 2014
dbd.set_time_limits(minTimeUTC="24 Jul 2014 18:00")

print("start time full time range:")
print("start time reduced time range:")

See also the methods dbdreader.MultiDBD.get_global_time_range() and dbdreader.MultiDBD.set_time_limits().